![St. George’s College Mussoorie](https://www.addressguru.in/images/2109258104.jpg)
St. George’s College Mussoorie
St. George’s College, Barlowganj, Mussoorie ... view mapSt. George’s College Mussoorie
Intermediate School
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- Mussoorie/Uttarakhand
- Views: 3223
About Us
St. George’s College founded in 1853. by the Capuchin Fathers and entrusted.St. George’s College is one of the premier boarding Schools in Mussoorie The school, an all-boys residential and non-residential institution, spreads over 400 acres (1.6 km2) land.there is big campus and all facility available for students. there is big computer lab facilities to their students. The school has its own premises health center which provides basic medical assistance to students. parents can see his/her child report card online in their website. all teachers are good there who help their students for study many facility are there for students.All classes have given large LCD screens to entertain the students, students can watch TV during the allotted time.
St. George’s College Mussoorie provides the following facilities:
- Hot & Cold Water
- Washroom
- Medical Facility
- Bus Facility
- Extra Curricular Activities
Payment Modes
St. George’s College Mussoorie provides the following payment modes:
- Cash
- Debit/Credit Card
- Net Banking
- Cheque
- Other
Overview - St. George’s College Mussoorie
St. George’s College Mussoorie at St. George’s College, Barlowganj, Mussoorie – 248122 Uttarakhand (India) is a Schools in Mussoorie. There facilities are :- Hot & Cold Water Washroom Medical Facility Bus Facility Extra Curricular Activities , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Debit/Credit Card Net Banking Cheque Other
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