![SMS Hotels](https://www.addressguru.in/images/1822846402.jpg)
SMS Hotels
Shanthi Theatre Building, 1335, Avinashi Road ... view mapSMS Hotels
Shanthi Theatre Building, 1335, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu, Coimbatore - 641004.
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Cafe & Restaurants
Restaurant & Lounge
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- Coimbatore/Tamil Nadu
- Views: 243
About Us
SMS Hotel is the one of the top rated fine dine restaurant in Coimbatore, where you can expect delicious food served hot with love and affection. We believe in Taste and Quality of the food served to our customers. We take pride in offering many desserts and a variety of mocktails and juice.
SMS Hotels provides the following services:
- Indian Food
- South Indian Food
- Fast Food
- Non-Veg
Payment Modes
SMS Hotels provides the following payment modes:
- Cash
- Net Banking
Tamil Nadu
Overview - SMS Hotels
SMS Hotels at Shanthi Theatre Building, 1335, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu, Coimbatore - 641004. is a Cafe & Restaurants in Coimbatore. There services are :- Indian Food South Indian Food Fast Food Non-Veg . , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Net Banking
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SMS Hotels
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