In the year 2000, humble start was made by Swami Sharad Puriji by building up Shivedale School at Kankhal in Hardwar, Uttrakhand. India. Swamiji's accomplished direction, consistent motivation to the school personnel and understudies has helped them to improve as an individual for family society and country. Swamiji's Strees after understanding one's Real Self should turn into a necessary piece of current instruction with the goal that old and present day astuteness can make a general public focused on harmony, freedom and crew. Matrichhaya is another, venture on which Swamji is working which will decipher the striking standards of the Vedas into the real world. Matrichhaya is a home for the destitute, the dejected, and the under advantaged youngsters; and for the Senior Citizens where Swamji will work steadily for the upliftment of individuals, society and country.
Shivedale School - Haridwar provides below facilities:
Shivedale School - Haridwar acceptable payment modes: