RP tech
First Floor 11, Chakrata Road, Behind Indian ... view mapRP tech
First Floor 11, Chakrata Road, Behind Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Bindal Bridge, Opp. THE EYE CLINIC, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001
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- Mumbai/Maharashtra
- Views: 410
About Us
RP tech is the fastest growing BB technology service provider solutions in india , The company offers products and solutions from + brands to + BB customers in + towns/cities through its robust network of branches and service centers spread across India. The Company is recognised as the most preferred BB partner of renowned global technology brands including AMD, APC, ASUS, Belkin, Google Chromecast, Crucial by Micron, Dell, ECS, Fitbit, HP, Intel, Lenovo, Logitech, NVIDIA, Plantronics, SanDisk, Toshiba, TP-Link and Western Digital.
RP tech provides the following services:
- technology services
Payment Modes
RP tech provides the following payment modes:
- Cash
- Net Banking
Overview - RP tech
RP tech at First Floor 11, Chakrata Road, Behind Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Bindal Bridge, Opp. THE EYE CLINIC, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001 is a Distributor in Mumbai. There services are :- technology services . , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Net Banking
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