![RAJDHANI COLLEGE, New Delhi](https://www.addressguru.in/images/2034628865.png)
Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, Mahatm ... view mapRAJDHANI COLLEGE, New Delhi
- Colleges
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- Delhi/Delhi
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Business Hours: Closed Today
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About Us
Rajdhani College was established in 1964 by the Delhi Administration in Kirti Nagar, New Delhi under the name of Government College and was renamed as Rajdhani College when the Delhi administration vested its governance in an autonomous Governing Body. Rajdhani College is a constituent college of the University of Delhi and has completed 50 glorious years of academic excellence. The Rajdhani College is situated in West Delhi on Mahatma Gandhi Marg (Ring Road) near Raja Garden, New Delhi and is accessible from all corners of Delhi. With the help of its dynamic staff, the college strives for excellence in education, sports, and co-curricular wellbeing of its students. Our college today is looked upon by the academic community of Delhi as one of the most excellent institutions for its progressive outlook towards teaching, learning and co-curricular activities. We are committed to provide an enabling environment in which holistic growth of every student is possible.
RAJDHANI COLLEGE, New Delhi provides the following facilities:
- Smart Classes
- Canteen Area
- Wifi
- Hot & Cold Water
- Washroom
- Medical Facility
- Bus Facility
- Extra Curricular Activities
Payment Modes
RAJDHANI COLLEGE, New Delhi provides the following payment modes:
- Cash
- Net Banking
- Cheque
- Other
Overview - RAJDHANI COLLEGE, New Delhi
RAJDHANI COLLEGE, New Delhi at Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Raja Garden, New Delhi - 110015 is a Colleges in Delhi. There facilities are :- Smart Classes Canteen Area Wifi Hot & Cold Water Washroom Medical Facility Bus Facility Extra Curricular Activities , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Net Banking Cheque Other
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Quick Information
Business Hours: Closed Today
Business Hours
- Day Open at - Closes at
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- Wed N/A - N/A
- Thu N/A - N/A
- Fri N/A - N/A
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Category: Colleges
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