![Neelkanth Mahadev Temple - Rishikesh](https://www.addressguru.in/images/261392820.jpg)
Neelkanth Mahadev Temple - Rishikesh
Kotdwar - Pauri Rd, Kotdwara, Uttarakhand 246 ... view mapNeelkanth Mahadev Temple - Rishikesh
Kotdwar - Pauri Rd, Kotdwara, Uttarakhand 246149
- Temples
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- Pauri/Uttarakhand
- Views: 502
Business Hours: 06:00 AM to N/A
Business Hours
- Day Open at - Closes at
- Mon 06:00 AM - N/A
- Tue (Today) 06:00 AM - N/A
- Wed 06:00 AM - N/A
- Thu 06:00 AM - N/A
- Fri 06:00 AM - N/A
- Sat 06:00 AM - N/A
- Sun 06:00 AM - N/A
About Us
Neelkanth Mahadev Temple is a Hindu sanctuary committed to Nilkanth, a part of Lord Shiva. The sanctuary is arranged at a tallness of 1330 meters and is situated around 32 km from Rishikesh in the Pauri Garhwal locale of Uttarakhand, India. The sanctuary engineering is particularly impacted by the Dravidian style of sanctuary design. The sanctuary is perhaps the most worshipped heavenly holy places devoted to Lord Shiva and is a conspicuous Hindu journey destinations. It is encircled by thick timberlands and is nearby the mountain scopes of Nar-Narayan. It is wrapped between the valleys of Manikoot, Brahmakoot, and Vishnukoot and is situated at the conjunction of the streams Pankaja and Madhumati.
Overview - Neelkanth Mahadev Temple - Rishikesh
Neelkanth Mahadev Temple - Rishikesh at Kotdwar - Pauri Rd, Kotdwara, Uttarakhand 246149 is a Temples in Pauri.
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Quick Information
Business Hours: 06:00 AM to N/A
Business Hours
- Day Open at - Closes at
- Mon 06:00 AM - N/A
- Tue (Today) 06:00 AM - N/A
- Wed 06:00 AM - N/A
- Thu 06:00 AM - N/A
- Fri 06:00 AM - N/A
- Sat 06:00 AM - N/A
- Sun 06:00 AM - N/A
Category: Temples
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Neelkanth Mahadev Temple - Rishikesh
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