Mahaveer Public School - Jodhpur is one of the best school in Jodhpur . It is very popular school in Jodhpor . The school has an immense jungle gym and best in class sports types of gear and offices. There are Volleyball and Basketball courts. The school has rich green out field for Hockey and Football. Instructive and experience exercises like journeying, mountaineering, rock ascending and so forth structure an indispensable piece of school life. All undertakings are made to create sports social which helps in creating positive characteristics like solid character, endurance, intensity and group sprit. The understudies of the school have brought awards a few times in different athletic occasions, skating, judo, vaulting and group occasions, particularly ball, at locale, state and public level titles.
Mahaveer Public School - Jodhpur provides below facilities:
Mahaveer Public School - Jodhpur acceptable payment modes:
Mahaveer Public School - Jodhpur