![Loyola College, Chennai](https://www.addressguru.in/images/841909319.jpg)
Loyola College, Chennai
PB 3301,Sterling Road,Nungambakkam,Chennai - ... view mapLoyola College, Chennai
PB 3301,Sterling Road,Nungambakkam,Chennai - 600 034.
- Colleges
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- Chennai/Tamil Nadu
- Views: 182
Business Hours: Closed Today
Business Hours
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About Us
Loyola College of Education is a established in 1925. LCE is affiliated with Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University and offers Bachelor of Education programme with pedagogy training in commerce, sciences and liberal arts subjects. The college is ranked 6th across india by National Institutional Ranking Framework in 2020.
Loyola College, Chennai provides the following facilities:
- Canteen Area
- Washroom
- Extra Curricular Activities
Payment Modes
Loyola College, Chennai provides the following payment modes:
- Net Banking
- Other
Tamil Nadu
Overview - Loyola College, Chennai
Loyola College, Chennai at PB 3301,Sterling Road,Nungambakkam,Chennai - 600 034. is a Colleges in Chennai. There facilities are :- Canteen Area Washroom Extra Curricular Activities , their acceptable payment mode is Net Banking Other
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Quick Information
Business Hours: Closed Today
Business Hours
- Day Open at - Closes at
- Mon N/A - N/A
- Tue (Today) N/A - N/A
- Wed N/A - N/A
- Thu N/A - N/A
- Fri N/A - N/A
- Sat N/A - N/A
- Sun N/A - N/A
Category: Colleges
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Loyola College, Chennai
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