Lemon Park Hotel & SPA
Tehri Pulia, Nainital Road, NH-87 Haldwani D ... view mapLemon Park Hotel & SPA
3 Star
3 Star
Starting Price: 1500
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- Haldwani/Uttarakhand
- Views: 708
About Us
At its multifarious restaurant in the Lemon Park, rich in flavor and variety, you can enjoy the sumptuous foods. Both the beautiful mountains and the City will be visible in the Rooftop Restaurant. It has a reviving atmosphere for some of the finest cuisine available. The hotel services and the price are conceptualized in order to take the business traveler and the vacationers into account. All 27 rooms with air conditioning and contemporary design satisfy the needs of business and existence. The Business Class Hotel Lemon Park provides high levels of hospitality at an affordable price equal to any International Hotel.
Lemon Park Hotel & SPA provides the following facilities:
- Laundry Service
- Internet Access
- Parking Available
- Spa & Sauna
- Doctor on call
- Restaurant
- Parking
Payment Modes
Lemon Park Hotel & SPA provides the following payment modes:
- Cash
- Debit/Credit Card
- Net Banking
- Cheque
Overview - Lemon Park Hotel & SPA
Lemon Park Hotel & SPA at Tehri Pulia, Nainital Road, NH-87 Haldwani Distt. Nainital 263139 (Uttarakhand) is a Hotel in Haldwani. There facilities are :- Laundry Service Internet Access Parking Available Spa & Sauna Doctor on call Restaurant Parking , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Debit/Credit Card Net Banking Cheque
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