Gate Forum

OFFBEAT CCU (Techno India Group); 36F Topsia ... view map

Gate Forum

OFFBEAT CCU (Techno India Group); 36F Topsia Road; Erstwhile Hotel Landmark on EM Bypass, Between Science city and Ruby; Kolkata - 700039
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  • Coaching Institute

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  • Kolkata/West Bengal
  • Views: 155

About Us

GATEFORUM, promoted by alumni of the IIMs and IITs, is the largest organization in the field of GATE training, with a presence in more than 50 cities and having trained more than 2,30,000 students since inception. GATEFORUM helps to identify the need of the student and help them to achieve best possible results. GATEFORUM is the number 1 institute for preparation for GATE Exam. The technical team at GATEFORUM comprises of Post Graduates of IITs, IISc and eminent professors teaching for GATE for a number of years. Vision : To provide world class preparatory tools to GATE Aspirants To be one stop solution for all GATE aspirants To make technical learning easy, interesting and affordable for all engineering students To make coaching accessible to all the students even in rural areas


Gate Forum provides the following facilities:

  • 24 Hr Electricity
  • Water Purifying

Payment Modes

Gate Forum provides the following payment modes:

  • Cash
  • Debit/Credit Card
  • Net Banking
  • Cheque


West Bengal



Overview - Gate Forum

Gate Forum at OFFBEAT CCU (Techno India Group); 36F Topsia Road; Erstwhile Hotel Landmark on EM Bypass, Between Science city and Ruby; Kolkata - 700039 is a Coaching Institute in Kolkata. There facilities are :- 24 Hr Electricity Water Purifying , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Debit/Credit Card Net Banking Cheque

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