FaceCouture by Shanu Kukreti - Kotdwar
Mohabewala Industrial Area, Kotdwar, Uttarakh ... view mapFaceCouture by Shanu Kukreti - Kotdwar
- Makeup Artist
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- Kotdwara/Uttarakhand
- Views: 647
About Us
FaceCouture by Shanu Kukreti one of the best Makeup Artist in Kotdwara . She is very Tilented .She use Company Cosmatics for Make up .Facecouture by Shanu Kukreti is a brand situated in Bangalore. They have confidence in giving their customers a dazzling makeover and make them resemble a fantasy on their big day. Their style is centered around giving a characteristic and rich change by upgrading the highlights and not going over the edge with the cosmetics of her customers, giving them an encounter deserving of a lifetime. Offering marriage cosmetics and hair, evening formal, day occasions and gathering cosmetics, they are an ideal decision for your wedding. Along these lines, you can reach them to get a spell-bouncing look. Administrations Offered: Bridal Makeup Party Makeup Engagement Makeup
FaceCouture by Shanu Kukreti - Kotdwar provides the following services:
- Prewedding Makeup Services
- Wedding Makeup Services
- Model Makeup Services
- Movie Makeup Services
- Bridal Makeup Services
- Event Makeup Services
Payment Modes
FaceCouture by Shanu Kukreti - Kotdwar provides the following payment modes:
- Cash
- Debit/Credit Card
- Net Banking
Overview - FaceCouture by Shanu Kukreti - Kotdwar
FaceCouture by Shanu Kukreti - Kotdwar at Mohabewala Industrial Area, Kotdwar, Uttarakhand 246149 is a Makeup Artist in Kotdwara. There services are :- Prewedding Makeup Services Wedding Makeup Services Model Makeup Services Movie Makeup Services Bridal Makeup Services Event Makeup Services . , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Debit/Credit Card Net Banking
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FaceCouture by Shanu Kukreti - Kotdwar
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