Dixon Technologies (India) Limited -Electronics manufacturer in Uttarakhand

C 3/1, Selaqui Industrial Area, Central Hope ... view map

Dixon Technologies (India) Limited -Electronics manufacturer in Uttarakhand

C 3/1, Selaqui Industrial Area, Central Hope Town, Uttarakhand 248001
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  • Private Companies

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  • Dehradun/Uttarakhand
  • Views: 873

About Us

Dixon Technologies (India) Limited has been driving the electronic assembling administrations (EMS) space in India. Established in 1993 and initiated assembling of shading TV in 1994, Dixon has now extended its tasks to different sub-portions of hardware. As a local assembling organization, Dixon Technologies gives configuration centered arrangements in shopper durables, home machines, lighting, cell phones and security gadgets to clients over the globe, alongside fixing and renovation administrations of a wide scope of items including set top boxes, cell phones and LED TV boards.


Dixon Technologies (India) Limited -Electronics manufacturer in Uttarakhand provides the following services:

  • Electronics manufacturer

Payment Modes

Dixon Technologies (India) Limited -Electronics manufacturer in Uttarakhand provides the following payment modes:

  • Cash
  • Debit/Credit Card
  • Net Banking





Overview - Dixon Technologies (India) Limited -Electronics manufacturer in Uttarakhand

Dixon Technologies (India) Limited -Electronics manufacturer in Uttarakhand at C 3/1, Selaqui Industrial Area, Central Hope Town, Uttarakhand 248001 is a Private Companies in Dehradun. There services are :- Electronics manufacturer . , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Debit/Credit Card Net Banking

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Dixon Technologies (India) Limited -Electronics manufacturer in Uttarakhand

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