Captains Defence Academy - dehradun
Captains Defence Academy - dehradun
- Coaching Institute
5.0 ( 2 Review ) View Reviews
- Dehradun/Uttarakhand
- Views: 757
About Us
Wearing the uniform of Indian Armed Forces involves pride and honor. It is additionally an extraordinary profession with incredible advantages. Lakhs of applicants show up for different tests each year to make this profession, however just a rare sorts of people who have the learned person, mental and physical capacity make the cut. Best composed instructing NDA in Dehradun, In the event that you have the fire in your paunch to take on this renowned vocation then the time has come to begin the arrangement now. At Captains' Defense Academy, we manage you, train you, barbecue you and sharpen the inherent abilities in you to assist you with accomplishing this point. Our Directors, Capt. S.K. Singh and Maj(Dr) Shalini Singh, are ex-officials of the Indian Army. Capt Samaresh has the renowned GOC-in-C's honor for setting most elevated case of initiative and administration before self in counter rebellion situation. Where as Maj Shalini was given greatness grant by Chief Minister of Himanchal Pradesh while in administration and as of late by Chief Minister of Uttarakhand for excelence in field of training. The foundation likewise has the upside of twenty years of showing experience (from its information accomplice Lakshya Coaching).
Captains Defence Academy - dehradun provides the following facilities:
- Wifi
- 24 Hr Electricity
- Water Purifier
- A/C Room Avilable
Payment Modes
Captains Defence Academy - dehradun provides the following payment modes:
- Cash
- Debit/Credit Card
- Net Banking
Overview - Captains Defence Academy - dehradun
Captains Defence Academy - dehradun at 112 EC Road Opposite Hilgrange Prep School, near Dwarka Store, Dehradun, Uttarakhand 248001 is a Coaching Institute in Dehradun. There facilities are :- Wifi 24 Hr Electricity Water Purifier A/C Room Avilable , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Debit/Credit Card Net Banking
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