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AAC Blocks Manufacturers

Karur, Tamil Nadu, India.

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About Us

Magna Green is the Leading AAC Blocks Manufacturers. AAC (Autoclaved Aerated Concrete) blocks specialize in producing lightweight, precast building materials. They use advanced technology and processes to create high-quality AAC blocks suitable for various construction applications. AAC blocks are made from coarse sand, cement, lime, gypsum, aluminum powder, and water. The unique manufacturing process involves aerating the mixture with gas bubbles, typically generated by adding aluminum powder and then curing it in a high-pressure autoclave. This results in a lightweight, porous structure with excellent thermal insulation properties.

Payment Mode

AAC Blocks Manufacturers acceptable payment modes:

  • Cash
  • Debit/Credit Card

Business Hours

AAC Blocks Manufacturers

  • Monday : 24 Hours
  • Tuesday : 24 Hours
  • Wednesday : 24 Hours
  • Thursday : 24 Hours
  • Friday : 24 Hours
  • Saturday : 24 Hours
  • Sunday : 24 Hours


Tamil nadu



Overview - AAC Blocks Manufacturers

AAC Blocks Manufacturers at Karur, Tamil Nadu, India. is a Manufacturer in Karur. , their acceptable payment mode is Cash Debit/Credit Card

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