3-136, Guru Nank Pura Haldwani (Nainital) - 263141...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors ENT Surgeon Doctors PhysiotherapyKHRC is a mixed specialist and trauma medical center situated in the town of Haldwani, known as' The Gateway to Kumaon.'...
Teenpani, Bareilly Road, Haldwani Nainital (U...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors Pathology Labs General Surgeon DoctorsHaldwani City Hospital is a Super Specialty Hospital with all contemporary medical equipment, called Tertiary Care, and ...
Unnamed Road, Lohariyasal Malla, Unchapul, Haldwan...
General Surgeon DoctorsWe started our clinic Bhatt Skin Allergy and Saundarya Beauty Clinic, located in Haldwani, Uttarakhand With the objecti...
Civil Lines, Thapa Colony, next to Tikku Mordern S...
General Surgeon DoctorsWe have specialists and a squad who is medically qualified to treat extreme headache , nausea, insomnia, knee discomfort...
Anandi Tower, Nainital Road, NH87, Haldwani, Naini...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors Pathology Labs ENT Surgeon DoctorsBrijlal has super specialized operations of all types, including surgery, chemotherapy, peripheral vascular operation an...
Mahesh Nagar, Nawabi Road Haldwani (Nainital) U...
General Surgeon Doctors ICU Ambulance Services PhysiotherapyIn the core of the town, namely, on the Nawabi Road, is the Agarwal Clinic & Nursing Home, a unique orthopedic clinic. A...
Government Hospital, NEW I.T.I. ROAD, near Susheel...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors Pathology Labs Urologist DoctorsNeelkanth Hospital is a 70 slept with multi-forte and forthcoming 100 had relations with tertiary consideration super-cl...
Government Hospital, NEW I.T.I. ROAD, Near Susheel...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors Urologist Doctors Rheumatologist DoctorsHospital Neelkanth stands for reliability, durability and hard work. They think in price efficient therapy and support f...
Mattrix Hospital & Accident Care Laldanth, Kaladh...
Pathology Labs General Surgeon Doctors PhysiotherapyLocated in the core of the city, Mattrix Hospital is a cutting-edge wellness facility that aims to offer the residents e...
Bombay Hospital & Research Centre Near Saurabh Hot...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors General Surgeon Doctors ENT Surgeon DoctorsBombay Hospital & Research Center Haldwani is a multi-disciplinary, multi-specialty Hospital & Research Center in the re...
Mukhani Chauraha Mukhani Haldwani, Uttarakhand...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors Pathology Labs General Surgeon DoctorsHospital Vivekanand is a multi-super specialist air-conditioned hospital with 50 beds. Near Mukhani Chauraha Mukhani, Ha...
Mukhani, Kaladhungi Road Haldwani, Nainita (Utta...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors Pathology Labs Urologist DoctorsTewari Maternity Center & Nursing Home has been serving patients from Kumaun since 1995 with a multi-specialist hospital...
Gas Godam Tiraha, Kusumkhera,Kaladhungi Road, Hald...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors Physiotherapy Cardiology & Internal MedicineThe finest emergency unit in CENTRAL HOSPITAL, and have all sorts of spaces, such as VIP Suites, Private and Semi-Privat...
Near Mukhani Chauraha Kaladhungi Road, Haldwani , ...
Urologist Doctors General Surgeon Doctors Trauma & Orthopaedic SurgeryThe hospital provides for the needy and the homeless also free and subsidized treatment. Update / Add to the population...
Paediatric Surgeon Doctors Pathology Labs Urologist DoctorsWe are introducing ourselves as of pioneering multi-specialty Hospital & in the province of Kumaun Region, the state giv...
KHRC is a mixed specialist and trauma medical center situated in the town of Haldwani, known as' The Gateway to Kumaon.' It is a mix of medicinal specialties and trauma center. KHRC has been one of the leading health centers in Uttarakhand State, and on 26 January 1988, it started its voyage. The ...
2. CITY HOSPITAL & RESEARCH CENTREHaldwani City Hospital is a Super Specialty Hospital with all contemporary medical equipment, called Tertiary Care, and offer trauma and rehabilitation, diagnostic and preventive services of high quality. The town clinic offers performance service as well. A.C Operating Theaters, Fully Automated ...
3. Bhatt Skin Allergy And General Hospital haldwaniWe started our clinic Bhatt Skin Allergy and Saundarya Beauty Clinic, located in Haldwani, Uttarakhand With the objective of providing the best skin care. Our procedures for the skin and hair are carried out under the guidance of our professional physicians.Whether it's skin polishing or treatment ...
4. Adonia Laser & Wellness Centre | Skin Care Hospital in HaldwaniWe have specialists and a squad who is medically qualified to treat extreme headache , nausea, insomnia, knee discomfort, cervical govt thyroid, varicose veins, split disk and back pain. Our Treatment, Meditation, Therapeutic and Yoga Naturopathy helps in diseases such as hypertension, B. P, sinus, ...
5. Brij Lal HospitalBrijlal has super specialized operations of all types, including surgery, chemotherapy, peripheral vascular operation and minimally invasive operation in all areas. General surgery, urology, neurochirurgy, orthopedics, dentistry, plastic, and cosmetics, etc. All investigation modalities like Ultraso...
6. Agarawal Clinic & Nursing HomeIn the core of the town, namely, on the Nawabi Road, is the Agarwal Clinic & Nursing Home, a unique orthopedic clinic. Agarwal Clinic & Nursing Home is constructed with maximum regard to best treat poor clients by highway, bus stations, and railway stations. The theater is contemporary and has been ...
7. Neelkanth Hospital - HaldwaniNeelkanth Hospital is a 70 slept with multi-forte and forthcoming 100 had relations with tertiary consideration super-claim to fame Hospital situated at New I.T.I Road, Near Susheela Tiwari Government Hospital and Medical College, Haldwani. Our maxim is to serve all segments of society at a sensible...
8. Neelkanth HospitalHospital Neelkanth stands for reliability, durability and hard work. They think in price efficient therapy and support for customers, through the use of cutting-edge innovation and fun & care, and think in the reality that masterpieces are produced when difficult job and friendship are encountered a...
9. Mattrix Hospital & Accident CareLocated in the core of the city, Mattrix Hospital is a cutting-edge wellness facility that aims to offer the residents extensive service facilities, including diagnosis, operational facilities, recovery and injury leadership, with orthopedic treatment. The finest orthopedic physicians in Uttarakhand...
10. Bombay Hospital & research centreBombay Hospital & Research Center Haldwani is a multi-disciplinary, multi-specialty Hospital & Research Center in the region of Kumoun, the only state-owned telemedicine center with an outdoor and outdoors healthcare unit, which offers state-of-the-art methods and methods for increasing the performa...
11. Vivekanand HospitalHospital Vivekanand is a multi-super specialist air-conditioned hospital with 50 beds. Near Mukhani Chauraha Mukhani, Haldwani, Uttarakhand is situated. The main goal of the hospital is for the people of Kumaon, Garhwal and the neighboring state, including Nepal, to provide state-of-the-art medical ...
12. Tewari Maternity Center & Nursing HomeTewari Maternity Center & Nursing Home has been serving patients from Kumaun since 1995 with a multi-specialist hospital. This renowned organization also provides treatment for patients from a larger portion of Uttarakhand and U.P. The previous facilities are offered to the hospital: health, medical...
13. CENTRAL HOSPITALThe finest emergency unit in CENTRAL HOSPITAL, and have all sorts of spaces, such as VIP Suites, Private and Semi-Private. There are 4 modular class 100 operating theaters for different operations with the latest instruments.they have 40 Intensive Care Unit for critical & risky clients with the fi...
14. Sai HospitalThe hospital provides for the needy and the homeless also free and subsidized treatment. Update / Add to the population of Uttrakhand & Neighboring state all the specialist and super specific facilities to ensure that the Metro facilities nearby area are accessible at a reasonable cost. Sai Hosp...
15. SANJIVANI HOSPITALWe are introducing ourselves as of pioneering multi-specialty Hospital & in the province of Kumaun Region, the state giving All Medical facility with, The indoor & outdoor facility with state of art, techniques and modalities to enhance the quality of medical services in the state. We have been the ...