Unit No. 304 – C, 3rd Floor, JMD Regent Plaza...
digital marketingDSIM School of Internet Marketing is a Digital Vidya Company and a trademark of “Engaging Ideas Pvt. Ltd.” It is a l...
M - 39 Sector 14 Institutional Area, Old DLF Colon...
CAT Coaching Bank Coaching GATE CoachingT.I.M.E. trains thousands of students in aptitude tests and communication skills as a part of preparing them for their c...
Police Exam SSC CGL Exam PCS ExamMiddle Path (मध्यमा प्रतिपद) of Sage IAS: . Research & analysis of previous year’s question...
DSIM School of Internet Marketing is a Digital Vidya Company and a trademark of “Engaging Ideas Pvt. Ltd.” It is a leading Internet Marketing Training provider for Corporate, Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Students. What we do? Delhi School of Internet Marketing provides full-fledged live ...
2. Triumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt.Ltd.T.I.M.E. trains thousands of students in aptitude tests and communication skills as a part of preparing them for their campus placements. T.I.M.E. also offers a unique IIT Foundation programme aimed at students of the classes 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th. This programme focuses on strengthening the stude...
3. SAGE IAS ACADEMYMiddle Path (मध्यमा प्रतिपद) of Sage IAS: . Research & analysis of previous year’s question papers. Solve the question papers in live classes after evaluation of the future aspects of coming questions. . Prepare a suitable strategy for pitching the same goal. . Use a s...